Ten Signs of Dementia

Having this list to use in assessing your elderly loved ones cognitive abilities can be useful when you go to the doctor. Use this as a checklist and write any other questions you have about a particular sign or symptom.
This will be very helpful in a diagnosis of Alzheimers or other dementia.

Here are the signs:

#1 Challenges in planning or solving problems

#2 Difficulty in completing tasks at work or home

#3 Changes in memory that disrupt daily life

#4 Confused about time, people or place

#5 Trouble understanding spatial relationships and visual images

#6 Misplacing things and not being able to retrace steps

#7 Problems with writing and speaking words

#8 Changes in mood and personality

#9 Withdrawal from work and social activities

#10 Diminished judgment, poor judgment

I hope this is a helpful resource to you caregivers.
Take care and take a deep breath