Depending on the level of dementia there are very simple activities to more complex. Some of my patients who were very far progressed in dementia enjoyed much more simple activities. Things that they can accomplish and feel good about. Many women with late stage dementia enjoy doing basic household duties such as folding clothes, sorting etc. I put together a laundry basket full of socks, towels, washcloths and other similar type items. During the day I would bring this basket to a patient and they would really feel satisfied when they were finished. Now, the folding was not always done well, and the socks weren't always matched up right but that does not matter. It is not the outcome of the laundry but the outcome of the patient.
I have found a fun activity for those that are not quite so progressed. I wanted to share it with you:
"Social interaction is a major aspect of leisure lifestyle. This is particularly true of adult leisure involvement. In many situations, the social interaction is more significant and important to the participants than the activity itself." (Gunn & Peterson, Therapeutic Recreation Program Design: Principles and Procedures. 1984).

submitted by Nicolla Moran of Oakbridge retirement village on December 19, 2009
Size of Group: 1-15
Equipment: Tea cups and saucers ( very cheap from a charity shop) Floristry foam Flowers (chrysanthemum and carnations)
Objective: This really helps build the self esteem of people with dementia. It produces beautiful table centers that get lots of praise and is easy and stimulating to do. It also bonds the group or can be done 1-1, and people at all stages can do this.
Description: At a table cut the floristry foam into small squares that fit snugly in the teacups. Once the foam is in the teacup, water until wet through. Put a tea cup in front of each chair at the table. Cut the heads from all the flowers at an angle. Cut them at short but various lengths. A resident with higher skills could help you do all this.
Once you have enlisted people for the activity sit them down around the table with a teacup.
Hand out an equal amount of flowers then ask the residents to push the flowers into the floristry foam while you demonstrate.
Go round the table giving help and praise, and have a big round of applause once done. Then ask the residents to find a table to display their arrangements. Place them on saucers and you have fabulous table arrangement that residents can enjoy for days.
I hope you all enjoyed this. I will post more activities soon. Also there are some great activity resources on line. I also used to go to websites with childrens activities and have been able to tweek them to work well with seniors with and without dementia.
Caregivers are the Greatest!