More types of Personal Alarms

I just thought since we were talking about personal safety alarms yesterday that I would include in the discussion a couple of other types of alarms that are well worth their weight in gold. If your senior loved one is at risk of falls and they have a caregiver with them at all times, there is a personal monitor that you can put on the bed or chair and it will sound an alarm if the patient gets up. This will allow the caregiver to immediately go to the patient and check on them to make sure they are safe. This is a great way to reduce falling or wandering if the loved one has dementia or Alzheimer's.
There is also another great kind of monitor that tells you when the bedding is soiled. This is great in preventing bed sores. You know immediately when the linens are soiled so you can clean the patient and the bed. I found both of these types of alarms extremely useful for the residents in my care home as they work wonders in preventing unwanted accidents. The state agencies get very concerned when they see doctors and hospital reports of falls and bedsores. I know I tried all I could do to prevent the accidents, wandering and bedsores and protect my patients safety and health and these products were definitely responsible for less stress in my life.
To see and read about these types of products, I have inserted some links in the right hand column.
If you would like to see and compare more alarms and other medical equipment
click here & use Promo code 7a95a to get the low listed prices on equipment and supplies from their catalog. Its a great company with low prices and wonderful customer service.
Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about any products or services you have or are contemplating purchasing for your loved. I have used many products and services throughout my career and would love to hear any comments you have about either of these products and if they have been useful to you. All the info we can gather for our caregivers is always useful. Have a great day!