Music as Therapy

Good Day Caregivers & Seniors,
Music is an extremely important part of our lives. It brings back memories, lifts our spirits and can create a mood or atmosphere that can be beneficial to our well being.
Many times in my facility I would hire musicians to come play for my patients. I noticed that not only would this music elevate the moods of my patients during the time the music is being played, but also for several days after the music. I would find musicians that played old time music from the generation of my patients.
When the music would play the patients would clap their hands, tap their feet and sing along. Smiles covered their faces and they would talk and reminisce for days. Reminiscing is good for elderly patients because it makes them feel a part of something, family, friends and social groups they have been involved with. It lifts their spirits and gives them something to look forward to.
Gathering a few family and friends together and playing old time music can generate many good days ahead for the patient. If it's just you & the patient, you can get some old time CD's and play it for them.
I would plug in the old karaoke machine and let my patients sing along. This made them feel important and special.
I have a few sites posted below that you can get get old music from. Also you can go online and find sites that have the words to these songs. Print out the words and give them to your elderly loved one so they can sing along.
I promise, not only will the patient be smiling, but so will you. Enjoy!
Old Time Music
Old Victrola Music
Old Time Music Lyrics
Old Military Songs 

If you know of any other resources for music, please post as comment or email me at