A Fun Activity for Elderly

Pride in the home: Flower arranging

Residents can create floral displays for the entrance (for those with any experience in flower
arranging this will be easier). Those who struggle can do posies for the dining table. This
activity can grow with residents taking an interest in what colour schemes and which flowers
to choose. Residents can even plant bulbs for the spring, which then gives even more
activities ideas, such as selling planted bulbs for charity, giving planted bulbs to family and
friends as gifts and entering local spring flower shows.

Equipment needed
 Flowers
 A vase
 Flower arranging tools, such as wire, wire cutters and pedestal.


1. Start with leaves and arrange them to create some structure.
2. Then add the largest flowers first. A general rule is add odd numbers of flowers as
this makes arranging easier.
3. Once you’ve added fully open flowers add buds that are not yet open.
4. Finally, add any others bits of grass and other items to make the arrangement look

A great Activity For the Elderly

Super Smells

A perfect game to reinvigorate the senses. Super smells is the ideal for people with sensory
or memory problems as it helps people reminisce about pervious trips/experiences.
Equipment needed
Paper cups
Blind fold (a dark scarf would be sufficient)
A variety of strong smelling flavors

When selecting the strong smelling ingredients try to think about the certain theme
or memory. For example using Vinegar and Vanilla could provoke a memory of a
seaside holiday.


1. Place a different strong smelling ingredient in each cup
2. Blindfold each person then get them to record their answer.
3. Then allow them to smell all the pots again with their eyes open.
4. See if the answers have changed then reveal the results